Being handed a prescription for a synthetic thyroid hormone by my GP back in 2013 after being diagnosed with the Autoimmune Disease - Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, I was told that fatigue, weight gain and bloating were all now part of my life.
Initially, the medication worked. My energy levels increased, stubborn weight dropped and I felt good. Unfortunately it didn’t last, and as the weight and fatigue returned, I broke out in hives. Out of anger and desperation after leaving a rude dermatologist’s office in tears, I stumbled across the on-line program - I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson. The words written in front of me gave me a glimmer of hope, and with final enrolment due that very same day – I signed up.
Quitting refined sugar was the first and probably most significant step I took towards healing my body, as it was the first time I truly realised how the food I ate mattered.
Over the next few years, my diet shifted towards a Paleo lifestyle. I removed gluten and dairy from my life and even embarked on the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) for 12 months. At the same time I worked closely with a naturopath, and through her numerous and exhaustive tests, I discovered that I was toxic with heavy metals, had bromide toxicity (the inability to absorb ANY iodine), parasites AND was significantly nutrient deficient. I finally felt like I had some answers and a plan of action.
Unfortunately, as 2019 dawned, I finally admitted that what I was doing was no longer working for me. I had gained all the weight back, my thyroid antibodies were through the roof, I received a second Autoimmune Disease diagnosis - ITP (low blood platelets), and then on 8 August 2019, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Yep. Something DEFINITELY wasn’t working!
2019 was the year I changed everything!
Stepping back into research mode, and listening to my body, I now follow a 100% plant based, nutrient dense, wholefoods diet and am delving deep into the root cause of these diseases. Everything I have been diagnosed with are known as “lifestyle” diseases, meaning my old lifestyle choices created them, and so now my new lifestyle choices will help to “un-create” them!
I have a significant way to go on this journey of mine, but through the changes to my diet and lifestyle, I have so far been successful in significantly reducing symptoms and enjoying this beautiful life once again. I finally feel like me again.
Today I follow an organic, plant based wholefood diet. I say “whole food” as I tend to avoid vegan junk and processed foods that can be found just about everywhere now.
I eat an abundance of organic fruit and veggies, legumes and gluten free grains with healthy fats from wholefoods like avocado, nuts and seeds.
I don’t count calories and I don’t count macros, however I am fully aware of where my macros come from in the plant foods I eat having “nerded” out on this topic for many years. Now, I just listen to my body by eating when I’m hungry and stopping when satisfied.