FOCUS: February

January – The Facts


My goals/intentions for the first month of the year was the beginning of a journey - being on the verge of a significant breakthrough or a new way of thinking that will allow me to view the world with clear eyes.  My plan was to be open to embracing new ideas and craving stimulation in areas of creativity, intellect and communication.  (Have no idea what I’m talking about – then check out how I plan/organise my goals/intentions for the year ahead right here.)   It mentioned that the road ahead may be bumpy with challenges, however there is strength in adversity and by maintaining a success mindset – I will navigate these hurdles with ease.  Basically – I will reap what I sow!


January – The Reality 


Holy cow!  WTF was that month!  I felt flat and unmotivated for a good 90% of it, especially with anything creative, with so many thoughts racing I struggled to action pretty much ANYTHING. 


And talk about bumps and challenges.  Oh my.  After receiving a call from GP after a routine blood test asking “am I ok?”, it was like I jumped onto a roller coaster and didn’t buckle my belt.  Basically my blood platelets nose-dived and after a number of tests to find out the root cause, I’ve discovered an inflamed liver, cysts on my ovaries AND a lump on my gallbladder.  WTF? 


What’s interesting to me though is this is the area where I feel I’m in tune - I’m so re-focussed and positive about my health at the moment that I feel great.   Perhaps I’ve been so focussed on not “achieving” in the other areas of my life, that I overlooked what I was accomplishing right here.


February - The Facts


The card I pulled out for this month - Two of swords.


This card represents blocked emotions, avoiding the truth and stalemate. 


Everything about this card refers to barriers I have put up – letting nothing in and nothing out.  Blocking emotions and refusing to feel them.  Avoiding the truth, either about myself or a particular situation, in case I might get hurt.  Perhaps it’s confusion when forced to make a difficult choice?  Perhaps it’s not speaking my truth?  Perhaps it’s lacking the courage to face a problem AND solution with clarity?  The card tells me that barriers are not the answer and that I must stay open and avoid evading issues to find peace and wholeness.

February – The Plan of Action

Heart Chakra | When balanced – we communicate easily and can forgive, let go and be present.  So to help balance this chakra of mine, I’ll be incorporating more chest opening yoga stretches, long walks (my daily commute to work) and eating supportive foods – vibrant green nutrient-rich and water based fruits and veggies, like leafy greens, green apples, zucchinis, green beans and celery.  Drinking lots of filtered water and lots of healthy fats from raw nuts and avocados. (See more here)


Throat Chakra | When balanced – we have the ability to communicate clearly, confidently, creatively and effectively.  So to help balance this chakra I’ll be pulling out my journal again and meditating (see below), as well as increasing throat chakra supportive foods from herbal teas and clear broths to filtered/mineral waters and lots of blueberries. (See more here)


Meditation | I struggled with this last month, so I’m going to dive back into my morning meditation practice (just 10-15 mins is all I do) to help me stay open and motivated – specifically with some heart and throat chakra clearing/balancing meditations.


Journal | Something I use to do a lot of, but again have let go of late – but it’s time to get down in writing (and out of my head) anything I’m avoiding and closing my eyes to and any distress, frustration or anger I’m feeling.  Always feels so good when I do this regularly.


Crystal | My blue lace agate crystal is going back into my bra – yep, you heard me!  This crystal is a brilliant tool in helping to open and clear the throat chakra, especially as I’m naturally someone who “bottles up my emotions” and “holds my tongue”.


Essential Oils | To help with balance and breaking down barriers, I’m busting out my Young Living Ylang Ylang oil and the Release Oil Blend – with Lavender, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Blue Cypress, Davana Lime, Ocotea, Jasmine, Matricaria, Blue Tansy AND Rose – helping me to let go of any negative emotions and promote harmony, balance and emotional strength.


Make Decisions | Easier said than done – but my hope is that the above will help with this.  My plan is to keep it simple, tune into my intuition (my gut), remove any emotion from the facts and then just decide.  I’ll soon know if it was right or wrong.



Ok, so now that I’ve bored you to tears, it’s over to you.  I’d love to hear how your January went for you, and what you have planned for February? 
