ok.  let’s wrap up june


Well we’re truly in the middle of Winter over here in Australia, and I couldn’t be happier.  I’m loving having my scraves and gloves out on these frosty mornings and then curling up on the couch with my blanket of an evening.   The Kapha inside of me sings loud and proud during this time of the year. 


For me, June was about getting in tune with myself (you can read more about my June Focus here).  It was also a month of feeling quite emotional too - feeling a little lost and wondering what I’m doing with life in general.  At one point, I found myself acting petty like a child  - being stubbord and negative, before coming to the realisation that this is what this month was all about, and that all I had to do was acknowledge the feelings and then tune in and listen to my gut.  Just those 2 simple acts had any feelings of discontentment dissolve away almost instantly.  I found myself letting go of some silly anger I had hanging around which was a bonus.  Don't get me wrong, I certainly haven’t mastered the art of tuning in and listening to my gut, however I’m feeling more confident in the follow through - the trusting myself and speaking up part, which aint a bad thing!


so what are my plans | actions | focus for july?


I’m not gonna lie to you.  When I took a look at what I wrote down at the beginning of the year for July, I nearly peed my pants.  I’m a little excited, to say the least.


When you see the word “energy” written down a few times, after being so chronically fatigued, it was like a bright shining light finally lit itself up in front of me.  Bring it on!


For me, July will be about turning the skills I’ve been working on and developing over the last few months into action and into a profession, leading to future income and employment.  It’s about acknowledging that I’ve been planting the seeds and now it’s time to turn my Kapha/Vata vibe into more of a Pitta vibe (from a nurturing and creative vibe to an action vibe).  It’s about bringing talent and energy into my life and into my creations, along with a good dose of positive energy.  I feel like I’ve been grounding and teaching myself for so long, that I’m super pumped to stretch out.  Yep, it's a little out of my comfort zone, but who knows what will come of it.  The sky’s the limit, right?




so for july, i thought i might try


Movement | Getting out of my head and into my body is a great way to build a little more Pitta into my life - helping to feed that inner fire.  I'm still slowly working on increasing my energy levels at the moment, so I'll continue to build on my daily walks into work, and I'm also quite keen to increase my yoga practice once again, both at the studio I attend and at home.


Eat Water | Sounds a little weird, but dealing with SIBO and the myriad of tummy issues I have going on at moment - my body has been feeling stagnant and 100% lethargic.  Yes I drink water, but I realised I haven't focused on "eating water".  Meaning water-rich foods - the water in fresh plants (like cucumber, lettuce, berries, etc) is surrounded by phytonutrient-rich vitamins, minerals and fibres which help our body's absorb more water more slowly, staying hydrated for longer periods of time.


Body Brushing | Along the same lines of movement and eating water as mentioned above, I'm going to up my body brushing game, helping to further move these pesky stagnant toxins out of my body.  Remember, our skin is our biggest organ.  I may as well utilise it!


Essential Oils | Again, to help boost my inner Pitta, I'll be focussing on the sweeter and more cooling essential oils to diffuse in my home, including Sandalwood, Mint, Jasmine and Lavender.

Schedule Time |  When all the above is said done, I have to actually do the work, so I'll be scheduling in "just do it" time.  I'll be spending time today to really work out what it is I want to achieve this month and then work backwards, breaking my goals down into manageable weekly and event daily little nuggets.  I'm hoping this will keep me motivated and inspired, as I'm quite sure my tendency for "self care" and "clean the house" will pop in to visit on occasion.



To find out more about my 2018 goals, simply click - JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril, May and June!

