June Overview – The Facts


My intensions for June were to be all about abundant emotion and intuition flowing from within me and an awareness of my spiritual energy and influence. It was to be about me opening up my heart and being receptive to creative opportunities, loving connections and having deep compassion for others.   However, I had to remember, that being an Ace card, this was only an invitation – it was up to me whether to say yes and run with it.


June Overview – The Reality


In reality, I unfortunately don’t think I “ran with it” however I did do a pretty good “slow jog”.  I also didn’t at any stage feel anything “flowing from within me” but I did feel a lot more centred, calm and in tune with myself – no rollercoasters – no stress – just a lot of hibernation and down time, and with this calmness I found myself make some decisions.  You may or may not know that I currently work full time in the corporate world, which to date I have loved, but for the past few years felt it’s no longer what I want for my life.  So I have been doing something about it by working on (on the side) 2 online business opportunities.  What I realised recently, however was I wasn’t “going for it” with either of them, just feeling my time and energy being pulled both ways and me stagnating in the middle.  Long story short – I’ve decided to place one biz on the back burner.  Still dabbling in it a little, but placing all my energy into the one biz I’m drawn to the most.  The one that lights me up.  Making that one decision has lifted a weight I didn’t even know I was carrying.


Another thing I noticed last month – since starting a new Dr Joe Dispenza evening meditation where you acknowledge your day and notice areas you may like to make any changes to your actions/thoughts/emotions.  At the beginning – I was changing just about everything.  Now, I’m acknowledging that I’ve been doing/thinking/feeling exactly the way I want to.  A sign of being more authentic, perhaps?!


So What’s Instore for Me in July – The Facts


The card I pulled out to represent July was The 7 of Cups – new opportunities that could see my dreams fulfilled and choices needing to be made, however making sure I go beyond the shiny surface and allure, and focus on what’s right for me.  I need to look deeper into any offers/choices and check in with myself. 


This could also be a month about wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what I would like to create, rather than actually taking action here in the present to make it happen.


I need to shuffle through my thoughts - focus on the one thing that will move me closer to my goal and resist the temptation to get side-tracked.  It’s time to move out of the ideas phase and choose, without becoming a jack of all trades - master of none!



July – My Plan Going Forward


Ok.  So it’s time to get focussed and real, so to help make the most of it all, I’m going to:


Meditation | Continue with my Dr Joe Dispenza meditations as I feel like they’re really helping me stay mindful and grateful each day.


Essential Oils |  Grabbing out my Grounding and Release Blends for this month.  Grounding – when making decisions, we need both feet firmly planted on the ground and this blend helps keep our energy centred, balanced and settled.  Release – a powerful, delicious smelling blend to help my body process and release the emotions of starting a new phase of my life, and allowing my subconscious to be open to new beginnings.


Schedule | I’m a sucker for organisation and love myself a checklist, so to help me get focused and take those necessary action steps, I’m going back to basics.  Scheduling in time to work on my business, making lists to sort out what’s important and what will help me grow, and crossing out unnecessary (unhelpful) clutter and tasks – ones that serve no purpose whatsoever.


Mission Statement | I started drafting my Mission Statement earlier in the year and got right into it … until it got too hard and I put it to the side.  It’s time to pick it up once again, and get really clear on my purpose, my plans and my goals.  I hear about people reading theirs each morning to help them stay uplifted and focussed.  I’ll let you know how I go!




Curious about what the past few months had in store for me - see here for January, February, March, April , May and June!

