Fun Times Weekend....

A beach + A birthday + A bunch of great people =

A Fun Time Anglesea Weekend!

This weekend the Anglesea crowd headed down to the beach for a weekend of relaxation, laughs and yummy food to celebrate a friend's birthday.

Happy Birthday E!

So to get the celebrations started, we had your typical party food including chips, nuts, lollies and of course - fairy bread!

One of the things I love about these weekends is we all lay claim to a meal. Meaning, we all choose a particular meal that we're going to cook for the weekend.

I claimed dessert - for selfish reasons as I really, really, really wanted to make some ice-cream as a 'last hurrah' to Summer (more on the ice-cream to come).

The next morning we woke to freshly brewed coffee, the Sunday papers and some delicious pancakes with fresh mixed berries and some the most beautiful yoghurt I've ever tasted (bought from the Anglesea fruit & veg shop).

With the food digested and the papers read we all headed down to Aireys Inlet for a walk along the beach before heading off home feeling rested and just a little bit too full!

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