What to Take to a French Picnic ?

I've been back from France for just over a year now and I don't think a day has gone by where I haven't thought of it.  Thought of some little antidote that puts a huge smile on my face, like the fact that we ate mille-feuilles almost daily (sometimes two per day), and like the time we rode our bikes around Normandy with poncho's on!  So you'll understand when I say that I'll use any excuse to do something French, including cook French food.  Actually, who am I kidding - I don't even need an excuse!

So when tickets were bought for So Frenchy So Chic In the Park (see here) I was a girl on a mission.....what picnic food to make?  I didn't even take into account anyone dietary requirements or taste buds.  It was all about me and what I wanted, and I wanted......

Tres bon!