Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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Pretty Bowls + Pretty Yummy Soup !

I love a goodie bag.  Seriously, who doesn't?  

These gorgeous little bowls just happened to be in my goodie bag that I received at the Noel en Juillet Wokshop recently.  Technically they're not made for food, but when something new comes into my house, the rules are quite simple:  

1.  You must be able to hold food.  

2.  You need to be pretty for photographs.


The soup that was lovingly ladled into said bowls also had some rules to follow:

1.  It had to be filled to the brim with goodness.

2.  It had to be warming and comforting.

3.  It had to be bloody delicious.

The fact it looked pretty in my new bowls was a huge bonus.


**For AIP compliance - omit the pepper**