Baked Figs + Strawberries

It's no secret that I'm a fan of the cookbook Love Bake Nourish by Amber Rose, so when she released her new book Nourish, in collaboration with 2 of her talented friends, I was first in line.

Nourish is not your typical cookbook as it's split into 3 sections.  The first section (I'm being honest) is my favourite as it's filled with gorgeous fresh recipes by Amber.  The other 2 sections cover health and nourishment for the mind, body and soul.  This book gives tips, tricks, solutions and answers for getting your health back into shape, stilling your mind and just simply maintaining a positive and happy outlook.  It's simply stunning.

Amber's recipes are seasonal, nutrient dense and nourish the body, strengthen the immune system and heal a stressed digestive system - you can see why I love this book so much and Amber's philosophy on how food can heal.

Having already cooked a number of her recipes, I ended up taking this book with me on my Christmas holiday where I whipped up our entire Christmas Day lunch from within these pages, from her Baked Fish with Ginger, Tomatoes and Pine Nuts; her fennel salad; her cucumber, mint, lime and kiwi water, and this amazing dessert......


I've adapted the above recipe slightly to suit what I had with me at the holiday house, my dietary requirements and my taste buds, so if you want Amber's original recipe, you're just gonna have to pop out and purchase it yourself.  You won't regret it!