Nutrition Studies

One of the wonderful benefits of diving deep into my healing journey over the past few years, is the HUGE amount of information and insight I’ve gathered about the healing benefits of food. Some has resonated and stuck, while some hasn’t.

Vegan, Paleo, 80/20 … whatever it is that floats your boat, there is a large amount of polarising and annoyingly contradictory research out there about the foods we should and shouldn’t be eating. However, over time and through a vast amount of experimentation on myself, I’ve finally come to my own conclusion.

This is my own belief.

Our own health is in our own hands.

I believe we (if we choose to of course) need to start listening to our body’s and clear away all the noise from the “should’s” and “shouldn’t’s” out there. It’s time to stop relying on so called “experts” about our health and get re-educated about what our body’s real essential needs are - becoming less reliant and less fearful in the process.

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to healthcare, as we are all bio-individuals, based on our family history/lineage, how we were brought up and even where we live.

One piece of evidence from the research I’ve done is clear - given the right tools, the body CAN repair itself.

It’s no secret that I am a big advocate of natural/holistic healing therapies, and the fact that you’re here and reading this, I’m assuming you feel the same. We need to look beyond the physical symptoms and take into account our whole lifestyle from our mental, emotional and even spiritual life, and use the abundance of food to enhance this healing process.

Whole food nutrition allows the body to use its natural restorative abilities.

So I am now harnessing all this information I’ve gathered. I’m getting clear on my beliefs, yet staying open to anything new that comes my way in the form of certification study.

I’ll be talking a lot about what I’m learning and incorporating into my life here as a way to solidify this knowledge in my mind, but also to share this wonderful information with you all (take or leave what resonates and what doesn’t).

Stay tuned. xx
