Leigh 's Wholesome Life

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The Heart Chakra


When your heart chakra is balanced, you're calm, able to communicate easily with others and you have the wonderful ability to forgive, let go and be present.


Is this you?


Would you like it to be you?


If everyone of us had balanced heart chakra's, what a wonderful world this would be, don't you think!


When blocked and not in balance, you may be experiencing feelings of isolation, anxiety and tension.  Be critical, controlling, withdrawn and defensive.


I don't know about you, but these are all feelings I DO NOT want in my life, now and definitely not in my future, so I've found some super simple (and free) everyday practices to help keep this little heart chakra of ours balanced, including:

  • Taking deep cleansing breaths
  • Chest opening stretches and exercises (think yoga, pilates and swimming)
  • Long, slow walks in nature
  • Eating supportive heart chakra balancing foods:
    • vibrant green nutrient-rich and water based fruits and vegetables (like limes, leafy greens, green apples, zucchinis, green beans and celery)
    • lots of filtered water; and
    • healthy fats, including raw nuts and avocados


(for more on chakra's, see here)



My Heart Chakra Celery, Avocado & Lime Soup

(serves 2)


3-4 celery stems, roughly chopped | 1 tbsp coconut oil | 2 ripe avocados | zest and juice of a lime | 1 tin (440ml) full fat organic coconut milk | seasoning




In a medium sized pot over low-medium heat, melt the coconut oil and add the celery.  Saute for a few minutes until the celery starts to soften.  Add the lime zest and coconut milk and simmer gently for approximately 15 minutes, until the celery has soften.  Turn off the heat.

Add the avocado, lime juice and seasoning.  Place in a blender (or using a stick blender), blitz until completely smooth.  Check for seasoning.

Pop into an air-tight container in the fridge to completely cool before serving chilled.




Remember to always be patient, loving and kind to yourself.