IN SEASON: Cauliflower


Cauliflower.  Oh so rich in antioxidants and immune-strengthening nutrients, this humble white (and often overlooked) should never be underestimated.  Chock full of Vitamins C, K and folate as well as protein, magnesium and potassium, this veggie can actually help prevent various kinds of infections in our body as well as strengthen our defense mechanisms. 


Such a smart little veggie to be in at its peak and in season just when we need it the most…during the cold and flu months of Winter. 


One of my personal goals when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s was to try and soothe all the symptoms I was experiencing as naturally as possible through using whole organic foods.  If this is something you’re also wanting to try, then perhaps cauliflower could be your first step?  It’s such a brilliant source of dietary fiber (helping aid our digestion and our bodies to eliminate toxins), and as it protects the lining of our stomach, this miracle veggie has been shown to prevent the risk of various tummy disorders, from indigestion, hypertension and stomach ulcers right through to colon cancer. 


On a personal note – cauliflower is a member of brassicaceae family (just like cabbage and kale), which means it’s one of the most common plant based foods known to reduce thyroid hormone production (especially when eaten raw).  This is due to their higher than usual levels of sulfur-containing compounds.  However, the brassica family’s immune-boosting and detoxification benefits FAR outweigh this issue (I believe), so I personally do not limit the amounts of these vegetables I consume, I just don’t eat them raw, and would instead prefer to remove from my diet other foods that reduce my thyroid hormone production, like sugars, grains, soy and alcohol, to name just a few.


Unsure of what to do with cauliflower?  Some of my favourite recipes include:


..... and ....



Or....this little beauty.....